Visit us

2327 North 400th Road
Edgerton, KS, 66021
United States

Directions from Kansas City -

I-35 S to Homestead Ln Exit

Go right on Homestead Ln (.4 miles)

Take a left on 199th St. (2.1 miles)

Turn left onto 56 Hwy (4 miles)

Turn right onto County Line Rd (2 miles)

Turn left onto N. 400th Rd (.7 miles)

We are at the bottom of the hill

Directions from Lawrence -

KS-10 E to the Church St exit (Eudora)

Turn right onto Church St/E 2200 Rd (9.1 miles)

Turn left onto N 400th Rd (1.3 miles)

We are at the bottom of the hill


email works too

We would love to hear from you be it questions about bringing your friends out for that fun afternoon you deserve or contacting your local liquor store to educate them about the benefits of carrying our wines. No matter what it is, please use the form here and send away. We all keep a close eye on our inbox so expect a reply within one business day.